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Interview Body Language Do's And Don’ts.

Body language plays a significant role in the impression you make during a job interview. Here are some do's and don'ts to help you navigate interview body language effectively:


1. Maintain Eye Contact:

• Do make regular, natural eye contact with the interviewer(s) to convey confidence and attentiveness.

2. Firm Handshake:

• Do offer a firm, confident handshake at the beginning and end of the interview.

3. Good Posture:

• Do sit up straight with your shoulders back to project confidence and attentiveness.

4. Smile:

• Do smile naturally to show enthusiasm and approachability.

5. Active Listening:

• Do nod occasionally and use other gestures to signal that you are actively listening and engaged in the conversation.

6. Mirror Positive Gestures:

• Do subtly mirror the interviewer's body language to build rapport, but avoid mimicking excessively.

7. Open Gestures:

• Do use open gestures, such as keeping your palms open and avoiding crossed arms, to appear approachable.

8. Expressiveness:

• Do use facial expressions to convey enthusiasm, interest, and a range of emotions appropriately.

9. Confident Walk:

• Do maintain a confident and purposeful walk when entering and leaving the interview room.

10. Space Awareness:

• Do respect personal space but engage comfortably within the appropriate distance during the conversation.


1. Avoiding Eye Contact:

• Don't avoid eye contact, as it may suggest lack of confidence or honesty.

2. Weak Handshake:

• Don't offer a limp or overly strong handshake, as it may convey passivity or aggression.

3. Slouching:

• Don't slouch or hunch over, as it can make you appear disinterested or lacking in confidence.

4. Nervous Habits:

• Don't engage in distracting nervous habits like tapping your foot, playing with your hair, or excessive fidgeting.

5. Crossed Arms:

• Don't cross your arms, as it can be interpreted as defensiveness or a lack of openness.

6. Excessive Fidgeting:

• Don't fidget excessively, as it may convey nervousness or lack of focus.

7. Invasion of Personal Space:

• Don't invade personal space by standing or sitting too close, as it may make the interviewer uncomfortable.

8. Inappropriate Facial Expressions:

• Don't display negative or inappropriate facial expressions, such as rolling your eyes or sighing.

9. Over-Gesturing:

• Don't overuse gestures, as it may be distracting or convey nervous energy.

10. Rushing:

• Don't rush your movements; instead, aim for deliberate and controlled gestures and expressions.
